Saturday, February 11, 2012

Two-headed Pokemon

I'm listening to a song by Elvis Presley right now. The song's called Little Sister. Pokemon of the Day today is Weezing. Weezing is like a two-headed Koffing. Finding a triple-headed one is super rare. As I said, James from Team Rocket had one. Ah, those funny bunch. By the way, guess what? WE HAVE A NEW MEMBER OF THIS BLOG!! I learned today that my Cousin Sal had signed in with Auntie Bished's account! I was blown back when I saw an unfamiliar comment. I looked closer and it began with: "hi preston it's sal." Anyway, Happy Birthday! No, I'm not Frosty the Snowman. On Monday, my stuffed skunk named Stinky is turning 17! He's a Beanie Baby. My poem about him is:

Deep in the woods he lived in a cave
Perfume and mints were the gifts they gave
He showered each night in the kitchen sink
Hoping one day he wouldn't stink!

My other Beanie Baby's name is Spinner. She's a stuffed spider and this year she's turning 16 on October 28. Her poem is:

Does this spider make you scared?
Among many people that feeling is shared
Remember spiders have feelings too
In fact, this spider really likes you!


  1. If anyone comes to my house you can see Stinky and Spinner. I love to snuggle up with them at night.

  2. I love spiders especially your stuffed spiders, Preston. Your poems are simply amazing!
