Sunday, February 26, 2012


Sorry I didn't post a picture of Tangela yesterday. The Pokemon of the Day is Kangaskhan. It raises its offspring in its belly pouch. It lets the baby out to play only when it feels safe. Kangaskhan is a big and heavy Pokemon, being seven-foot-three and weighing 176 pounds. That's huge! Anyway, I'm battling Mom and her Excadrill just destroyed everything on my team. I'm left with only two Pokemon: my own Excadrill and my Scolipede. My Excadrill is battling Mom's Conkeldurr right now.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


The Pokemon of the Day is Tangela. Its whole body is swathed with wide vines that are similar to seaweed. The vines sway as it walks. I think first I will battle Mom then I will battle Dad then Mom will battle Dad.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Feeling lazy today. Pokemon of the Day? Chansey. Chansey is the Pokemon you will usually find in Pokemon Centers. It carries an egg in its pouch. The egg has healing powers. By the way, if you look at the last post I put up in the comment section you will see teams I made for Mom and Dad. If anybody else wants a team, request one in comments. Anyway, comment, rate, subscribe and peace out!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Go Team Go!

I'm playing through a HeartGold video game and I am using:


I didn't nickname them. By the way, Pokemon of the Day is Rhydon. It's like a Rhyhorn on its hind legs. By the way, my team I thought up, remember that?I've been think'n 'bout that lately....zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz "yawn" Good night....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, February 12, 2012


The Pokemon of the Day is Rhyhorn. It has a sharp horn. Stinky's birthday is tomorrow. Valentine's Day is the day after that. I'm researching parakeets now. My cat Rappy died last year in June. She's buried at our old house in Alaska. I would like another pet now so I took a trip through Petco and found I wanted a parakeet. I didn't know what they were so I just showed Dad the cage with all the birds in it. He said they were parakeets.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Two-headed Pokemon

I'm listening to a song by Elvis Presley right now. The song's called Little Sister. Pokemon of the Day today is Weezing. Weezing is like a two-headed Koffing. Finding a triple-headed one is super rare. As I said, James from Team Rocket had one. Ah, those funny bunch. By the way, guess what? WE HAVE A NEW MEMBER OF THIS BLOG!! I learned today that my Cousin Sal had signed in with Auntie Bished's account! I was blown back when I saw an unfamiliar comment. I looked closer and it began with: "hi preston it's sal." Anyway, Happy Birthday! No, I'm not Frosty the Snowman. On Monday, my stuffed skunk named Stinky is turning 17! He's a Beanie Baby. My poem about him is:

Deep in the woods he lived in a cave
Perfume and mints were the gifts they gave
He showered each night in the kitchen sink
Hoping one day he wouldn't stink!

My other Beanie Baby's name is Spinner. She's a stuffed spider and this year she's turning 16 on October 28. Her poem is:

Does this spider make you scared?
Among many people that feeling is shared
Remember spiders have feelings too
In fact, this spider really likes you!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Stinky Pokemon again...hold your noses. The Pokemon of the Day is Koffing. James from Team Rocket once had a Koffing. It evolved into Weezing and then he let it go with some other Weezing. Anyway, Koffing has smoke around it, but the equation smoke equals fire doesn't work here because this Pokemon is a Poison-type. I recommend it even though I've only seen it once in competitive battling. I don't know if you guys out there can hear this but I am listening to Lucy in the Sky from Beatles right this minute. It's one of John Lennon's songs. I've sang one of his songs. It is also by Paul McCartney.

P.S. John Lennon is awesome. I think the song I sang was...something like Outrage.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Lick, lick!

The Pokemon of the Day is Lickitung. If any readers of this blog have pet dogs, you know how much they like to lick you. Lickitung licks you also when it's happy. Anyway, I wanted to let all you guys know that I'm not entirely sure I'm going to be posting next Saturday and the Saturday after that because I'm going to two of my classmate's birthday parties on those days. But if you would like to know their names, I'm going to Sara O's` party on the first Saturday and Casey's on the next. Happy Groundhog Day and Valentine's Day!

` There are two people named Sara in our class. We refer to them as Sara A and Sara O. Yes, they have different last names.