Saturday, March 10, 2012

Heroes & Legends

Were any of you there to watch my Heroes & Legends performance last night? I thought it was so awesome. I was the first one to get into my costume and when people saw me they were blown back with surprise. I was dressed completely in black, with a black tricorn hat and a black long-sleeve shirt and black pants and black socks. Only my face and hands were sticking out of the costume (I had a turtleneck for the shirt). Anyway, the Pokemon of the Day is Seadra. I think that thing looks so cool. :)


  1. Here's my speech complete:

    I am Paul Revere. I am from Boston, Massachusetts. I became an apprentice to my father instead of going to college. I am a Famous Hero because I defeated the British. I rode through the streets calling, "The British are coming! The British are coming!" I saved Boston from destruction. I died in 1818.

  2. I was there and it was awesome!

  3. I was there too and I'm so glad I was. It was the best speech I've even seen. Your delivery and timing were perfect. You were articulate and your voice projected with clarity. Everyone loved you.

    STUPENDOUS JOB PRESTON!!!!!! Oops - I mean Mr. Revere!
